Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Mission

We are a passionate fellowship of believers whole-heartedly committed to evangelizing the lost and discipling the saved so that lives are transformed into the image of Christ by the power of the Spirit for the glory of God.

The Vision

Our vision is to create a community of authentic believers and to witness a city transformed by the life changing reality of the gospel, as people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 

GA 3 Miracle Project

Over the next several years the GracePointe church family will be engaged in a series of improvements on the GA 3 property designed specifically to connect our church to the community we serve.  The development will begin with a family life complex for church use which will allow the church to move from the HWY 19 property into its own building, allowing Glad Tidings Academy full use of the present church property.

After the family life complex is completed, the improvement plans on GA 3 will advance forward to include a state of the art putt-putt golf course including multiple water features, staging areas, and design features.  A 'Grace-Wave' Pavilion structure will be built which will house an arcade, a pool, foosball, and ping-pong area, multiple escape rooms; a laser tag area and a snack and eating area.  All of these venues and activities will be open to the public and are intended for the enjoyment of the community.  Inside the Grace-Wave pavilion will be a dedicated church space where the 'Grace-Wave' youth ministry will conduct its weekly meetings and other events.

The next stage of development will focus on the permanent sanctuary, a professionally designed children's church facility and a senior's facility which will include space for meeting as well as exercise rooms, heated indoor water aerobics facility, and a dining/fellowship area.

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